Have an issue or looking to get involved? Student Life Programs and Services provides the tools you need to build your own experience:
If you need help locating a service, drop us a line or stop by our office on the third floor of the Edward Johnson Building.
Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services provides services and programs for students with a documented disability, be it physical, sensory, a learning disability or a mental health disorder. Students with a temporary disability (i.e. broken arm or leg) also qualify. Services include alternative test and exam arrangements, note-taking services, on-campus transportation, adaptive equipment and assistive devices and skills development.
Accessibility Services
Robarts Library
130 St. George Street, First Floor
TTY: 416-978-1902
Fax: 416-978-8246
Career Centre
The Career Centre offers a variety of services to help students with the career development process. Services include 24 hour online access to thousands of part-time, full-time, summer and volunteer job postings, resource library, resume clinic, personal counselling, career exploration programs and workshops on topics such as conducting an affective employment search, writing proper resumes and preparing for employment interviews.
Career Centre
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street
Counselling and Psychological Services
Students dealing with personal matters such as, difficulties adjusting to university life, anxiety, depression, shyness, relationship problems, sex and gender concerns, disturbances resulting from abuse and assault, prolonged stress, and other personal difficulties can speak with a professional counsellor at CAPS.
Counselling and Psychological Services also assists students with psychological and emotional concerns including depression anxiety, depression, obsessions and compulsions, phobias, relationship difficulties, eating and body image issues, attention and/or concentration problems, problems with sleep, and substance abuse. All services are confidential..
Counselling and Psychological Services
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street
Centre for Community Partnerships
A resource for all three U of T campuses, the CCP connects students interested in learning through experience with meaningful learning opportunities in the U of T community. Services include helping campus organizations find suitable community projects, providing pre-placement orientation and training workshops, assisting faculty with the design of service learning courses and offering structured service opportunities for students.
Centre for Community Partnerships
569 Spadina Avenue, Suite 315
Centre for International Experience (formerly the International Student Centre and the International Student Exchange Office)
Whether you are new to Canada or looking to go abroad, the CIE provides a range of services to assist you on your journey. The CIE offers a number of vital services for international students, including mandatory health insurance (UHIP), welcoming orientation, and a range of activities throughout the year. Domestic students are encouraged to visit CIE to learn more about international opportunities such as student exchange and other resources to make your time abroad a success.
Centre for International Experience
33 St. George Street
Family Care Office
The mission of the Family Care Office is to assist individuals who are navigating the challenges of balancing family responsibilities with education and/or work. Our staff is committed to developing knowledge, researching resources, working collaboratively with other departments, and implementing policies which promote educational and employment equity in order that U of T can continue to provide a caring and supportive work and study environment.
Family Care office
214 College Street, main floor
First Nations House
First Nations House provides culturally supportive student services and programs for Aboriginal students and the general university community, including academic and personal counselling, financial aid information, housing, daycare, employment referrals, tutoring, a resource centre, and numerous cultural events throughout the year.
First Nations House
563 Spadina Avenue, Third Floor
Hart House
Hart House has great spaces to relax, to read, to listen to music, to study ….to just be. Boasting a full service Athletics Centre, the Arbor Room (great food at fair prices), a renowned art collection, Hart House Theatre, a hair salon, catering and event planning, and a beautiful farm, Hart House offers a broad range of services, activities, events, programming and involvement opportunities.
Hart House
7 Hart House Circle
Health Service
The multidisciplinary team at the Health Service offers U of T students and their partners the same services as a family doctor’s office, and more. We provide confidential, student-centred health care, including comprehensive medical care, travel education, immunization, counselling, and referrals.
Health Service
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street, 2nd Floor
Housing Service
The Student Housing Service provides an online registry for family, shared and private accommodation in all three U of T communities, temporary accommodation, buy and sell boards, street maps, legal information and residence information. An Emergency Housing Coordinator is also available to help students facing a temporary housing crisis.
Student Housing Service
Koffler Student Services Centre
214 College Street, 2nd Floor
Multi-Faith Centre
The Multi-Faith Centre exists to support the spiritual well-being of students, staff and faculty and to increase our understanding and respect of religious beliefs and practices. It does so by providing opportunities for members of the community to reflect, worship, contemplate, teach and learn, read and study, celebrate, mourn, engage in dialogue and interact on a daily basis.
Multi-Faith Centre
569 Spadina Avenue
Sexual and Gender Diversity Office
The office is dedicated to and works towards addressing discrimination based on sexual and gender diversity. Through the provision of resources, education and consultation the office is a support and a resource to students, staff and faculty within the learning and working communities at the University.
Sexual and Gender Diversity Office
21 Sussex Ave., suites 416 & 417
Office of Student Life
The Office of Student Life is dedicated to connecting students to opportunities for co-curricular engagement and learning, to developing student leadership and building an inclusive and vibrant community on campus. Programs include Blueprint (for first year students), Grad Escapes, Gradlife, Leadership Development, and Kickstart. Student Life Programs also provides information and services to student groups on campus.
Office of Student Life
21 Sussex Avenue, 3rd Floor
214 Colleg Street, 1st floor mezzanine level and Room 307